Viper Smps Design Software

The design of flyback, buck and buck boost converters is supported. VIPerPlus - Your SMPS design deserves a Plus, 05.2018, 1.08 MB. VIPerPlus evaluation.

The device is a high-voltage converter that smartly integrates an 800 V avalanche rugged power MOSFET with PWM current-mode control. The power MOSFET with 800 V breakdown voltage allows extended input voltage range to be applied, as well as to reduce the size of the DRAIN snubber circuit. This IC is capable of meeting the most stringent energy-saving standards as it has very low consumption and operates in pulse frequency modulation under light load. The Zero-Power mode (ZPM) feature enables the IC to work in an idle state, where the system is totally shutdown.

Manual An MCU can be easily connected to the IC for smart ZPM management and it can be supplied by the IC itself during the idle state. The design of flyback, buck and buck boost converters is supported. The integrated HV startup, sense FET, error amplifier and oscillator with jitter allow a complete application to be designed with a minimum component count.

In flyback non isolated topology, a negative output voltage is easily set thanks to the integrated error amplifier with separate ground.