Office Chinese Font
SimSun & NSimSun font family • • 2 minutes to read • Contributors • • In this article SimSun & NSimSun is a Simplified Chinese font features mincho (serif) stroke style. SimSun Versions 5.04 File name simsun_00.ttf Authors Copyright © Copyright ZHONGYI Electronic Co.
A great site for different Chinese fonts is “Free Chinese Font”. This website offers a wide selection of beautiful Chinese fonts. They have different fonts depending on traditional or simplified characters.
Calibri does not contain Chinese characters. When you set your font to Calibri, Microsoft Office automatically choose a Chinese font for Chinese you’ve entered. In your case, it seems that Excel automatically chose Microsoft Yahei (微软雅黑), while Powerpoint automatically chose STXinwei (华文新魏). They are both correct behaviors. Snuggle bunny i love you so mp3 free download. In Excel, people expect to see more general fonts in sheets, while, in PowerPoint, people expect to see more stylish fonts in presentations. Though what PowerPoint did is correct, if you do want to change the font in PowerPoint, you have to keep in mind that Calibri does not contain Chinese characters. Therefore, you have to choose another Chinese font for it so that the appearance would change.
I personally recommend Microsoft Yahei (the font Excel uses) and STZhongsong (a very bold serif font suitable for presentation titles).