Micro Xp Pro 111b

Micro XP Pro 1.11b. Issuu company logo. Stories Discover Categories Issuu Store Features Sign up. 4/4 Micro XP Pro 111b. [i]From the creator of Micro XP Pro, DarkReverser Presents: [/i] [b]Micro XP Pro 1.11b[/b] Description: The slimmest most functional, fastest, most secure copy of.

On an old computer you need a fast and secure operating system Micro XP Pro is such a OS. The slimmest most functional, fastest, most secure copy of XP. -Fastest install, 10 minutes on modern systems including: WMP 11, IE 8, DirectX 9.0C + Managed Code,.Net 2.0, Visual C++ 2005, 2008, 2010 Runtimes, General Runtimes INTEL (, AMD and ASMEDIA sata drivers. USB 3.0 drivers 6 Themes etc Small ISO: 311MB ISO What's New / Notes Final compilation achieved. Review/Project complete. Warranty Micro XP Pro is incompatible with 'easy install' from Vmware (0x80070002). No warranty is offered to those who nlite this ISO or substract from its script files; you will inadvertedly damage ISO.

No warranty is offered when used in virtual machines as they are imperfect emulators, and many drivers that fail within work on PC. This claim is not limited to hardware drivers, and thus includes software like the latest versions of Alcohol 120% and Daemon Tools. The service configuration and tweak file are not tailed to File and Printer sharing and you should review it. If having difficulty with something, view the HOW-TO section. Instructions: Extract the iso, and burn with your favorite burning software. You must install Micro XP from boot. Configure your bios to start from optical drive.

Choose your partition and the rest of the setup is automatic. XP will display message that it has to restart one more time, only then can you use the system. Getting Started Just plug and play.

The shorcuts on the desktop are there to help you get to your final setup faster. It is recommend to use Windows Update via Internet Explorer 8.

For more information, please view the readme on desktop and navigate to 'How-TOs: and NeedToKnows'. Micro XP 0.82 (Updated and Overclocked) -Updated to July 2012 -INTEL (, AMD and ASMEDIA sata drivers. -USB 3.0 drivers -Security Beefed up -Even faster than before -Ideal for Netbook Instructions: Extract and burn ISO. Setup bios to boot from CD. Select Partition and setup will complete by itself. Legal notice: You ca use your own serial number to make this version of windos xp legal Download MicroXP 0.82 Comments are closed.

Hi dmoe, Welcome to Dell Community Malware Removal Forums, Sorry for the delay in getting to you, I'm K27 and i will be reviewing your log for you. Please DO NOT run any scans/tools/fixes on your own as this will conflict with the tools we are going to use. Please Print or Save to Notepad all instructions and please follow them carefully and if there's something you don't understand or that will not work please let me know and we will go through it together.

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