Knigu Vse Ob Ocenke Brilliantov
Clients choose Vesna Bricelj for her artist’s eye and perfectionist artisan hand, but also because they can rely on her unerring sense of design. Her boutique business specializes in collaborating at the conceptual level with both interior designers and home owners to achieve the appropriate, and also most stylish, solution to a decorative project. Handcrafted decorative finishes add something very special and personal to an interior.
Whether it’s modernist or traditional, not only must the execution of the finish be impeccable, but it must enhance every other element of the scheme either as a background treatment or as a focal point. We offer a wide range of techniques applicable to interiors and furniture, from faux bois to murals, plaster and gilding, and specialize in contemporary verre eglomise (back painted and gilded glass) with a large portfolio of original design samples. Our work is thoughtful, efficient, and backed by many years of experience and specialized training. Our projects range in size and style, but their common denominator is a couture approach where the art is in the detail.
Similar words: (1.00) (1.00) (0.60) (0.50) (0.50) paBX Private Automatic Branch eXchange noun uchrezhdencheskaya ATS s ishodyashei i vhodyashei svyaz'yu paC Political Action Committee noun Komitet politicheskih deistvii paD 2 1> ( packet assembly and disassembly) formirovanie i razborka paketov. PaDS Pen Application Development System [Slate Corporation] paLS Principles of the Alphabet Literacy System paMA PreAssigned Multiple Access, mnozhestvennyi dostup s zhestkim zakrepleniem kanalov paRC palo Alto Research Center [XEROX] paU pan-American Union noun Panamerikanskii soyuz paYE pay as you earn noun vyplachivat' (kredit) v poluchku pa. Pennsylvania noun Pensil'vaniya (shtat SShA) pac.
Sep 25, 1971 - volume number, then page number; for example on p. Yet he is a major writer, a brilliant stylist a genuine innovator in his.
Pacific noun tihookeanskii pacific Standard Time 1> tihookeanskoe vremya (v SShA i Kanade) pacific Time 1> tihookeanskoe vremya (v SShA i Kanade) padshah = padishah pago pago noun g. Pago-Pago pahlavi 1> _pers. Pehlevi (literaturnyi yazyk Irana epohi Sasanidov) painted Chamber 1> _ist. Zal v starom Vestminsterskom dvorce, raspisannyi batal'nymi scenami painter-Stainer 1> _ist. Zhivopisec (oficial'noe nazvanie chlenov londonskoi gil'dii zhivopiscev-malyarov) paisley 1> Peisli (gorod v Shotlandii) _Id: paisley shawl pestraya shal', pohozhaya na kashemirovuyu _Id: paisley pattern risunok, harakternyi dlya takoi shali paisleyism 1> peisliizm (ekstremistskoe protestantskoe dvizhenie v Severnoi Irlandii, organizovannoe protestantskim svyashennikom-ul'tra I.Peisli) paisleyite 1> storonnik Peisli (sm.
Paisleyism) paki 1> _prenebr. Pakistanec pakistan noun Pakistan pakistani 1> pakistanec; pakistanka 2> pakistanskii palaeocene 1> _geol. Paleocen 2> _geol.
Paleocenovyi palaeogene 1> _geol. Paleogen palaezoic 1> _geol. Paleozoiskii 2> paleozoi; paleozoiskaya era palatinate purple 1> svetlo-lilovyi cvet akademicheskih mantii Daremskogo universiteta 2> pidzhak svetlo-lilovogo cveta (kotorym nagrazhdayut otlichivshihsya sportsmenov Daremskogo universiteta) _Ex: to get one's palatinate purple poluchit' znaki otlichiya v Daremskom universitete palawan noun o-v Palavan palermo noun g. Palermo palestine noun Palestina palestinian 1> palestinec, palestinka 2> uchastnik palestinskogo osvoboditel'nogo dvizheniya 3> palestinskii pali 1> pali (indiiskii dialekt, tzh. Yazyk svyashennyh knig buddistov) palladia 1> _pl.