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Naruto shippuden english dub torrent. Contents • • • • • • • Description [ ] Latin words of the fourth declension are generally masculines or, less commonly, feminines in -us and neuters in -ū. The genitive is in -ūs. The dative-ablative plural -ibus may less commonly appear as -ubus. Examples [ ] Masculine or feminine -us form [ ] Case Singular Plural nominative -us -ūs genitive -ūs -uum dative -uī -ibus accusative -um -ūs ablative -ū -ibus vocative -us -ūs Examples: •, -ūs f Neuter -ū form [ ] Case Singular Plural nominative -ū -ua genitive -ūs (-ū) -uum dative -ū (-ūī) -ibus accusative -ū -ua ablative -ū -ibus vocative -ū -ua Examples: •, -ūs n resp., -ū n Feminine -ō form (from Greek) [ ] Nouns derived from Greek feminine proper nouns in -ω (genitive -ους).

Note: This type usally belongs to the third declension. Citation form:, ēchūs f Case Singular nominative ēch-ō genitive ēch-ūs dative ēch-ō accusative ēch-ō ablative ēch-ō vocative ēch-ō Note: The accusative can also end in -ūn or -ōn, like with accusative Dīdūn. See also [ ] • • • • • • References [ ].


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